Sunday, January 29, 2012

Blog Post 3 - Xiangyang as a Symbol of Power

I think that the Xiangyang palace is arguably the better representation of architecture. It is a firm example of power - using the examples of stacks and groves. I personally feel that it is a better example of power than the Acropolis - however it could be simply my monotheistic views that would explain why I view it as such. It is a symbol of a truer power than that of the gods, as I view it. There is also another type of power to be beheld in the fact that the palace is a place of intimidation and power that was feared, rather than simply intellectual. 

It is an awesome and awe inspiring example of stacks and groves - all the columns and steps are truly a sign of something amazing. I find it to be much more intriguing as an example of architecture and symbolism than the Acropolis. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Skinny - Or Not So - On Columns : Reading Response 3

This week, the Hersey reading was about columns, and the origins thereof. It was intriguing that they were started as trees - it is wondered if trees weren't even modified at the very beginning, but instead used as they were where they were. Over time, they were cut down and modified to hold up tarp like things, other sticks, etc. That basic shape was then taken and carved out of rock for what we recognize as columns now. They became more decorative over time, and are now used for a little bit of everything.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Reading Response 2

Circles, Stacks, and Groves

Friday in class, we went out and looked at examples of Circles, Stacks, and Groves. Following are some examples of them that I found on campus.

This is my example for a circle. It is the circular entry into the Jefferson Suites building. The significance of the Circle here is that it symbolizes a place of importance. The circle is used to draw people in to the center, as one of my classmates decided that he was going to do. 

This is my example of a grove. These are just some plain stone columns, but they are grouped together as a grove of trees would be. As someone with some experience in landscape architecture and design, it is not uncommon to have trees that would do the same thing if the columns weren't here, thus reinforcing the representation of the Grove. 

This is my example of a stack. The Bryan Building is very much an example of a stack. the way that the building is put together actually looks like a bunch of individual pieces placed one on top of the other in a rather haphazard manner. 

These are all examples of the environment that we exist in as college students. This environment can either shape our rituals, or we, as people, can let our rituals shape our environment. And, I firmly think that there is a solid element of both in life. As an ex-smoker, I know that I let my rituals shape my environment by having to go find places that it was acceptable and out of the way to go smoke. I now let my rituals shape my environment by not going to the smoking areas, and instead having more time and going the more direct path to where I need to get to. But, my environment still shapes my rituals. As a theatre major, I spend a lot of time in the theatre, on campus, etc. Thus, my rituals revolve around that particular environment that I have put myself into. So, I think that it is a combination of both that make up who we are and what we do - we change our environment, and let our environment change us - it is a give and take. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Reading Response 1

This is my first attempt at a reading response. Hopefully, it's up to par. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Lane Ellison Photography: School

Lane Ellison Photography: School: I'm taking a class on architecture and design. I have to keep a blog for it, which can be found at I may als...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Blog Post 1

Below is the image that I am using for this first blog post - or design autobiography; whichever it is, or both.

So, there might be an argument that I cheated, or skimped, or something on my object. But, I feel that it more than adequately fulfills the requirements. The requirements state that we must choose an object that is meaningful and well designed. My hands are very much meaningful and well designed. I certainly have no argument that a man designed my hands, but, a Creator did. And whatever the design process was for them, they seem to work pretty well. 

How they fit for me in the way that I view design is also a bit interesting. I actually work in construction. My major at UNCG is Technical Theatre Production, and I'm a general contractor on the side. Thus, I get my fair share of designs thrown my way. I rely on the designers of shows to give me what it is I'm supposed to build, and the same goes for architects or interior designers when I contract. Thus, my appreciation for design is one of how to make it come to fruition. How do the designs come to be after they have been seen on paper? How they get from the designer's head to the page is fascinating to me, but more my speed is how I make them happen from their head to a reality. I use my thoughtfully designed hands to in turn build someone else's thoughtfully designed (insert name here). 

It's a pretty cool trade off. 

This is Only a Test

In the real world, that's a relief. In college, those words can strike fear like no others...